Wendy's ailing fish

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    • #17379

      Wendy posted this photo of her bloated fish in a comment on the TOG FB page. Come take a look. I’ve asked her to post here so we can all help her.

    • #17381

      Like in a lot of cases, the fish is suffering from multiple issues. First and foremost, organ failure. If the fish is mushy to the touch, it’s the kidneys. With kidney failure, the body retains fluids. This is especially true of the tissue. With liver failure, the body is firm, but turns yellow in color, which is difficult to tell with most goldfish

      The good news is, the treatment is the same for both types of organ failure http://organic-goldfish.com/natural-remedies/dandelion-remedy/

      Very important to examine water parameters KH and pH as you know. Raising the alkalinity in the water is all important, as it’s just recently been discovered that alkaline blood level improves kidney function. People have literally been able to come off dialysis after doing so

      Is Wendy using any salt or other chemicals now or in the past?

      The second issue, constipation should be treated with olive oil as it improves organ function, and is even said to jump start organs that have stopped working

      Examine the diet too. We know we should avoid feeding peas to fish with weak or failing organs due to the purines, but is it possible some foods may contain additives that may be affecting the organs? What to feed? This is a tough one. Toasted wheat germ should be first on the list; fresh, blanched spinach would be a nutritious food source if it’s organic and perhaps a special made gel food. I’m getting ready to publish a gel food recipe book that contains a gel food improve organ function. If I get ambitious today, I’ll work on it

      Constipation is an easy fix, but organ failure is a tough one, and we’re seeing more and more cases. Why? Because we’re using more and more chemicals to control the environment, instead of letting Mother Nature do the job. Most fish are over salted and medicated by the breeders and the sellers in order to control infection, and we’re seeing the results in our bloated fish

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