Worms Aquarium Pond

Worms aquarium pond are unsightly Worms aquarium pond are unsightly, but if you can see them, they’re probably harmless. The two common types of visual worms are planaria (flatworms) and nematodes, which are round and wiggley. Visual worms are can be brought into your fish house by plants or even your hands after digging in… Continue reading Worms Aquarium Pond


Welcome to goldfish emergency Welcome to goldfish emergency We hope you’ll explore, and even hang out with us If you love your goldfish, you’re in the right place. Goldfish require cold and heavily oxygenated water rich in mineral value to lead long and healthy lives. We want to teach you how to create such an… Continue reading Welcome

Website stuff

Website stuff that had to be done Website stuff is the most challenging work I’ve ever done, but I’m getting better at it. As you’ve noticed, the site’s been down this week. It’s been under construction so to speak. The images have been compressed for optimazation. Bad links and clutter have been removed. Now it’s… Continue reading Website stuff

Water Treatment

Water treatment for aquariums and ponds STEP 5 Buy the Books Water treatment is used to neutralize chlorine and chloramines. Cities add cleaning agents to prevent harmful bacteria growth, making water safe to drink, however, both chemicals are dangerous to fish and friendly bugs that create the nitrogen cycle Combined ammonia; referred to as chloramines; gives the agent staying power in… Continue reading Water Treatment

Using Water Treatment

Using water treatment is a necessary evil for some Using water treatment is a necessary evil for some of us. There’s a wide variety of brands and types of water treatments available these days. Unfortunately for our fish, most of us don’t know how to use them or why we should or shouldn’t. Many fish… Continue reading Using Water Treatment

Treating goldfish Koi Tumor

Treating goldfish Koi Tumor requires extreme therapy Treating goldfish Koi Tumor requires extreme therapy in most cases. It may be difficult to tell what type of tumor you’re dealing with. A simple wart is firm to the touch and has a rough texture. They’re simple to eliminate with the Sea Salt and Garlic remedy. Tumors… Continue reading Treating goldfish Koi Tumor

Toxic Tap Water

Toxic tap water isn’t as uncommon as you might think Toxin tap water can be found in large cities, small towns and country homes. Most of us live in regions that have safe drinking water right from the tap. Our cities go to great lengths and expense to make sure of it. Engineers monitor, filter… Continue reading Toxic Tap Water

Tips Keeping Goldfish Cool

Tips keeping goldfish cool in the summer Being coldblooded and cold water fish, goldfish have little tolerance for warm temperatures. Why do you need to read tips  keeping goldfish cool, because goldfish use more oxygen in warmer water, making it all important to keep up with water changes and maintain a healthy pH balance. Because… Continue reading Tips Keeping Goldfish Cool

Theme troubles

Theme troubles after installing Comodo Theme trouble at gfe. If the website looks a little strange, it’s because the theme was messed up when Comodo (secure pay) was installed. This installation involves redirecting the address of the site, so that everyone enters from a secure access. It’s complicated. It’s so complicated, I had to get… Continue reading Theme troubles

Thanksgiving Dinner Goldfish

Thanksgiving dinner goldfish? Why not? With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we should give our goldfish and Koi a reason to be thankful. Pumpkin and sweet potato; a favorite and long time tradition served for dinner at Grandma’s house in most of the US. Thanksgiving dinner goldfish is fun and easy to serve, and your… Continue reading Thanksgiving Dinner Goldfish