
Hi Venus,
I caught the goldfish eating algae. It’s back, too. Like a vengeance. Some spots are brown some are green. I looked to see if it actually got some and it sure did. Fishes are doing great, thanks to your support. I always try to tell people about the pump. Nobody seems to bite, or be interested. I feel like it’s a key component.
The toads did not get their glory. I drained the pond. It was just about time to lay eggs so I just had to nip it in the bud. Feel bad cuz I know they like it, but too many babies jumping around for months while we tip toe.

For the algae, should I just leave it on the back wall and side and keep the front clear? Does algae put out anything bad? or change water conditions? Should I get some plants. Was reading that Elodea and Anacharis are good ones. I’ve pretty much given up on flakes because I think it’s constipates them. Was feeding peas for a week straight until my all orange one stopped swimming funky, like swim bladder problems. She is blind, or prob just can’t see well, so she always goes to the top for food and gulps a lot of air. Started happening after her eyesight went. I think it’s in one eye only. Looks silvery inside the pupil. I dunk my food and swoosh my hand around, so eventually she goes to the bottom looking for food. She will eat out of my pinched fingers when i feed peas though. This always seems to clear up the swim pattern like floats coming on. I think I’ll only use the food as a treat. But I need more food ideas. Any suggestions?

Thank you!