Basic Anatomy of Terms

Basic Anatomy of Terms, something every fish keeper should know

by Artimis

Basic anatomy of terms tells us what part of a goldfish is what. This way, when we post about an issue, we can explain where the problems is

Wen- A raspberry like growth on top on many goldfish varieties’ heads.

Pectoral Fins- The first set of fins going from front to back

Ventral or Pelvic Fins- The second set of fins going from front to back

Anal Fin(s)- Can be in pairs or singular, right in front of the caudal fin

Caudal Fin- Tail fin. Double in most fancies, single in others.

Dorsal Fin- The fin atop the back.

Basic anatomy of terms


Goldfish terms


Operculi- The covering of the gills, the part that is visible from the outside.

Lateral Line- A line that runs on the back from the
operculi to the tail and helps the fish detect movement in the water. Noticeable in some but not in all fish.

Penducle- The part of a goldfish that connects the tail to the spine

Breeding Terms: basic anatomy of terms

Spawning- The release of eggs and milt in mass

Spawning Season- When spawning starts after the temps rise into the 70’s.

Twit- A spawning female

Milt- What a male releases to fertilize eggs during spawning season.

Fry- Newly hatched young goldfish

Breeding Tubercles- White spots that a male develops on his pectoral fins and operculi during spawning season

All-You-Can-Eat Buffet- What spawning season is to the goldfish themselves


Basic anatomy of terms

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