Goldfish blowing Bubbles through mouth or gills can lead to more serious issues Buy the book Goldfish blowing bubbles through mouth or gills isn’t a serious ailment, but can lead to such if the cause isn’t corrected. Goldfish are often attracted to the bubbles an air pump produces, and enjoy nibbling at the bubbles, however, this is not healthy.… Continue reading Goldfish Blowing Bubbles
Tag: bubbles goldfish pooh
Bubbles goldfish pooh caused by ingested air
It may sound strange, bubbles goldfish pooh, but it’s a very common issue with goldfish. There are a few things that cause this issue. SSG, gases caused by pressure in tap water is the first on the list. Goldfish breathe by taking water into their mouths, then exhaling it out their gills. As the water passes over the rake, an organ in the internal gills that pulls oxygen into their blood stream, SSG is also absorbed
goldfish pooh bubbles
These persistent gases can be ingested into the tract, showing up in their waste
Make sure freshwater is cleared of these tiny bubbles by working the water over. Scoop up the water in a pitcher, holding it high over the bucket; let it hit hard. Repeat this process until the water is free or install a pond pump or HOB filter in your freshwater bucket to work the water over for you
Test SSG (super saturated) gases by scooping up freshwater in a clear glass. Let it sit for a half hour. Do you see tiny bubbles forming on the side of the glass? If so, keep pouring
SSG can also be inhaled into the blood stream, clustering in pockets beneath their skin
These symptoms soon vanish if the SSG is removed from their water
learn more about supersaturated gases