Goldfish fins pulled tight to body and has white marks Buy the book Goldfish fins pulled tight to body indicates extreme discomfort. Fins clamp for one or two reasons, KH or ammonia is present and in high amounts. Both have the potential of burning fish causing extreme discomfort Goldfish clamped fins Ammonia is created from waste,… Continue reading Goldfish Fins Pulled Tight
Tag: goldfish clamped fins
Goldfish clamped fins in an effort to escape burning sensation
Goldfish clamped fins indicates ammonia or carbonate mineral poisoning. Fish pull their fins close to the body in an futile effort to escape the painful sensation. New goldfish keepers, unaware of the nitrogen cycle, endanger the lives of o their fish. Ignorance is not bliss. Ammonia is the first toxin to form in the cycle
A necessary evil, for without this toxin, there would be no life
Most people learn about the cycle after bringing their fish home; unaware of the danger. Those that have prepared for the new arrivals by learning about their needs are a step ahead, however, they may be unaware of the health of their tap water. Depending on the region you live in, your freshwater source could be low in carbonate mineral content. KH gives water the ability to support life, and because of it, when it’s too low, fish will die of oxygen deprivation
Just as serious, when these levels are too high, fish will be burned by the mineral showing the same symptoms as ammonia poisoning
Learn everything you can about the water your fish live in by reading the 10 Steps to Goldfish Koi Keeping