Goldfish Care

Goldfish Care

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Goldfish Care basics on keeping goldfish. Learn everything you can about your fish by reading the Art of goldfish Koi Keeping. Gfe archives is our knowledge base. Our method of care, our natural remedies and water treatments will help you to create a healthy ecosystem

goldfish knowledge base

The theory is simple; provide water that’s rich in mineral value and heavily oxygenated. Good health will follow. Healthy fish live in healthy water

Your fish will thrive in the environment you create

Goldfish care

Become a master goldfish or Koi keeper by reading the Goldfish Article Archives. Visit our goldfish Koi blog and submit your own article. Visit our goldfish Koi archives. Share your experiences with our other members. Share your know how

Visit our gfe forum BLOG  to read other’s experiences

Goldfish care is much more than you ever imagined. Our fish live in a complex ecosystem, and their water must be rich in oxygen and mineral value. Most goldfish keepers add water treatment to freshwater, perform a water change and call it quits. Few understand the five common water parameters

The first toxin to form in the nitrogen cycle; created from waste. Ammonia is deadly to goldfish, however, without it, there would be no cycle; no circle of aqua life. All too many goldfish and Koi keepers don’t know it exists or fight it

Second toxin converted by beneficial bacteria from the ammonia they feed on, however, it too is misunderstood. It’s dangerous, although a necessary part of the cycle


Third and final toxin to form in the cycle, although, this toxin is always present in a cycled aquarium or pond. Nitrates are safe in low amounts. Algae is not considered as a parameter, although its worth is invaluable in a healthy ecosystem. Mistaken for grunge, algae forms when nitrates are present, feeding on the toxin, keeping levels tolerable. Algae is also a healthy food source for goldfish. This amazing plant completes the circle of aqua life

General Hardness
Together, magnesium and calcium make up general hardness. One of the forgotten parameters, GH contains vital minerals our fish need for good health and longevity

Carbonate Hardness

KH is another one of the forgotten minerals, and that’s too bad, because this all amazing mineral gives water the ability to support the O2 molecule. Water would not support life without its presence. Carbonate mineral alone is responsible for the alkalinity of water

Whether you keep your fish in an aquarium or a boat, keep them naturally by following the 10 Steps

goldfish care

Follow our 10 Steps. If you do, your fish will thrive in the environment you create for them. The author offers various learning levels for those who want to know why and for those who just want to know what to do

Fish house evaluation

10 EASY Steps Goldfish Keeping

10 Steps Goldfish Koi Keeping

Goldfish Koi Care

Goldfish Information

Goldfish Ponds

Koi Keeping

Enzymes the building blocks of life

Nitrites and Nitrates fraternal twins

Salting our Fish

Tiny Bubbles

Nitrate the gentle giant

All rights reserved
Author: Brenda Rand