Goldfish floating

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  • Goldfish floating upside down at surface

Goldfish floating upside down or bobbing at the surface are suffering from floating issues. Floating issues are caused by feeding too much at one time which leads to constipation, however, kidney failure is the secondary cause

Goldfish floating aimlessly

Gas (created from wastes) becomes trapped in the swim bladder organ of constipated fish, although Co2 is necessary for swim bladder function. Fish lose the ability to sink at will. Goldfish floating upside down are more than likely constipated. Constipation is typically caused by feeding dry foods, however, feeding too much at one feeding is also to blame

Impacted tract blocks the tube that connects the tract to the swim bladder 

Goldfish bobbing surface

Bloated Fish often develop floating issue, due to swelling in the intestinal tract. Swelling, caused by kidney failure, causes the body to retain fluid, however, when the tract is swollen, food becomes trapped in it, blocking the gas exchange from the swim bladder

Treat bloat with Dandy Remedy

Goldfish overly buoyant

Feed your goldfish and Koi less more often. Feed a variety of healthy foods. Moisten flakes by holding them beneath the surface. Soak pellets in tank water for 15 to 20 minutes. Spread food in a sweeping motion to keep fish from gorging

Goldfish floating aimlessly

The fish in the photo below looks to be dying, but goldfish do not float at the surface as they die. This fish is suffering from a common ailment with goldfish, constipation. Exhausted from its efforts of trying to get to the bottom where it feels safe, it’s floating aimlessly at the surface

Goldfish floating

Refer to:

Step 10 Goldfish Feeding

Floating and Sinking Issues

Recommend using

Float Remedy


Back to Diagnose symptoms and treat

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Author: Brenda Rand


By Venus

Master goldfish keeper