Goldfish gasping surface could indicate oxygen deprivation
Most goldfish keepers believe water is oxygenated by means of an air pump; a bubbler, but such is not the case. Water absorbs oxygen by method of diffusion; when oxygen is pulled from the air by a moving surface. In order for this to event to occur, the body of water must be free of gases
Goldfish sucking air surface
The most common things that take up space in water causing oxygen deprivation 911 are Co2 (carbon dioxide) a gas created from waste and supersaturated gases (concentrated amounts of oxygen) found in tap water created by pressure. Bad bacteria (white cloud) bloom or green water algae can also take up space
In order for water to be free, it must be properly agitated. Standard filters do not provide adequate water movement to eliminate these gases. Add a pond pump to your set up and leave the top off your aquarium
Goldfish begging surface
Another thing that affects oxygen levels is pH. This parameter is a combined reading for O2 (oxygen) and KH (carbonate mineral) levels. If pH is low, but water movement is sufficient and the surface is exposed to fresh air, test KH. Carbonate mineral gives water the ability to support oxygen
The goldfish in the photo below live in water that has little to no oxygen. Goldfish gasping surface are trying in vain to get oxygen from air above the water, but their effort is futile. Notice the bleeding under the skin next to the gills? Thankfully, the goldfish owner followed our instruction to the letter, and the fish are now swimming happily in healthy water

Learn more about oxygenating water by reading and following the 10 Steps to Goldfish Keeping
If your goldfish or Koi has any of the symptoms listed above
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Author: Brenda Rand