Goldfish mouth locked open or closed indicates the presence of a virus called tetanus
Goldfish mouth locked open or closed. If so, this is Lockjaw. Common in goldfish and Koi, Tetanus lives in most all animal’s intestinal tracts, including our fish. The virus is just waiting for an opportunity to make its presence known. In some cases a torn tract due to constipation, although open wounds are easily infected. Treated in the early stages Tetanus is curable
Lockjaw is not a transmittable
Goldfish mouth froze
Tetanus, better known as lockjaw is said to be caused by getting cut on a rusty nail, however, this is only a rumor
Goldfish mouth locked
Cuts or scrapes are an open invitation to infection. Goldfish and Koi are vulnerable to lockjaw because they’re bottom feeders; constantly diggin in the gravel where waste settles. Our fish are perfect targets, although, using a gravel vacuum reduces the risk of infection. Combine water poor in quality, a goldfish with a poor immune system, and we have a prime candidate for the disease
Tetanus virus produces a toxin that paralyzes muscles. The first muscles to be affected are the mouth and gills, however, as the toxin levels increase, the heart muscle begins to shut down. The fish is first subjected to oxygen deprivation because it can’t move the mouth or gills. The fish’s mouth will be locked open or closed depending on the timing of the infection

Goldfish jaw locked closed
As the disease progresses, other muscles, including the heart are affected, killing its host
Tetanus can be cured if treated early and properly. Treatment entails boosting the immunity of the bloodstream. Fish with lockjaw need several days of therapy and hand feeding
Do not be tempted to use pet shop medications. Chemicals push fish over the edge
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Author: Brenda Rand