How to upload photos

How to upload photos to post in the blog

How to upload photos to gfe blog is easy. It’s frustrating when you’re trying to create a post, and can’t get images to upload. If this happens to you, maybe your images are the wrong file type or too large. It’s also possible you’re overlooking a few simple tasks. If you continue having issues, contact us for help. We’re happy to upload photo

Give your post a title, and then write what’s on your mind. Just below the text box you’ll see a smaller white box that says ‘Choose file’

Click on the box. this button takes you to your computer files. Search and find the image you want to upload

Uploading images to post

After you select an image, click on it, and then click ‘Open’ or you can click twice on the image. Either method will upload your image to your post

The maximum amount of images is 3

How to upload photos

Next, click ‘Submit post’ in the white box below choose file, and this will complete the action

s for you

Maximum photo size is 1500 x 1500 pixels. If you don’t have a program to size images, you can send them to administrator [email protected]

File types jpg, gif or png are acceptable



By Venus

Master goldfish keeper