Sick Oranda

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Sick Oranda laying on bottom

Sick Oranda. Hello everyone. We have 5 goldfish in a 75 gallon tank. 2 of our fish are Orandas….both about 2.5 years old. We do water changes weekly (or more often as needed) and all parameters are spot on…using a master test kit always. About 3 weeks ago, one of the Orandas (Edward) started floating at the top of the tank…like the dead man’s float. He’s usually active, happy and always moving about. Then, he started laying at the bottom of the tank in an almost comatose state. He only comes out to eat…I hand feed him. While out, he does swim around a little. His wen has grown over his one eye and we’re thinking maybe it’s the reason he’s not hiding and retreating. We’ve asked everyone at every high end pet store and they all say as long as he’s eating not to worry. But, we’re very worried and so sad for our little guy. He’s really lifeless most of the time. I try to nudge him out and get his to swim about for a little but I don’t want to upset him more or scare him. So, yes he’s eating and able to swim a little bit but that’s it. Any advice would be so much appreciated…we’re here at a loss. No fish vets near us or we’d be there. He’s obviously very compromised at this point and we’re just wanting to get some opinion/advice/suggestion. Ty so much.

Sick Oranda
