Worms Aquarium Pond

Worms aquarium pond are unsightly

Worms aquarium pond are unsightly, but if you can see them, they’re probably harmless. The two common types of visual worms are planaria (flatworms) and nematodes, which are round and wiggley. Visual worms are can be brought into your fish house by plants or even your hands after digging in a garden. Natural pea gravel which sometimes comes in a muddy bag may be the source. Rinse everything thoroughly before adding to your fish house. Plants should be dipped in salt or bleach water

Parasitic worms are difficult to see, unless you have a magnifying glass. They don’t survive outside of the intestines for long, although your fish may pass them on occasion if infected. Symptoms of parasitic worms are extreme weight loss, even though plenty of food is available, and the fish eating

Fish tank worms

Another common worm is the anchor worm. It lives outside of the body, attaching itself to the fish, feeding on it. These worms are visual, but you must look closely to see them

Excluding parasitic worms are easily eliminated by feeding shelled peas marinated in garlic water. Feed nothing else but for 10 days straight to destroy them. Wait for twenty days and repeat. Parasitic worms depend on a slow moving and unhealthy tract to thrive. Feed less food more often, and feed a variety of food that includes vegetables, such as blanched spinach and shelled peas. Feed in a spreading motion so that your fish has to work for its supper. Gorging causes constipation which also leads to bad bacteria infection and floating issues

Worms aquarium pond

All other types of worms depend on an unhealthy environment to thrive. They prefer water low in mineral and oxygen value

Use our Sea salt and garlic remedy to eliminate anchor worms or the Garlic remedy if you’ve recently salted your fish house. A second, and perhaps even a third round may be required to eliminate hatching larvae

Visual worms may be more stubborn, but the same remedies should work if your water quality is improved. Another tip is to reduce the amount of food you feed, which may encourage your fish to eat the worms, although smaller goldfish may not be able to eat worms larger than their mouth. Some fish show no interest, due to the fact they’re simple not used to eating live food

pH 8. max 
pH is a combined reading for carbonate mineral (KH) and oxygen. If low, test KH value. If KH is low, buffer to 120 using bicarbonate of soda. Test pH after buffering. If low, remove top if aquarium is enclosed and increase water movement by adding a pond pump
KH 120 max
Carbonate mineral measures alkalinity, and gives water the ability to support oxygen. This critical mineral should is best kept at the high end of the comfort zone
GH 300 max
General hardness is a combination of magnesium and calcium, but most regions are low in magnesium, so we this is the mineral we add to raise GH. Use pure Epsom salt to buffer

worms aquarium pond

The aquarium in the photo is heavily infested with nematodes

Worms aquarium pond

Refer to:
pH Misunderstood

Testing Water Parameters

Read and follow 10 Steps to Goldfish Koi Keeping to make sure your fish are living in healthy water

Author: Brenda Rand


By Venus

Master goldfish keeper