Sick Goldfish and reasons why
Sick goldfish? There are a many reasons goldfish become ill. The water quality is poor in most cases. Bad bacteria has taken over the environment. Water could have a low carbonate mineral value which affects oxygen levels. Covered aquariums reduce oxygen by cutting off oxygen supply from the surface. Water is oxygenated by method of diffusion. This occurs when moving surface water pulls oxygen from the air above
Bad bacteria thrive in water low in oxygen
Comfort zone for pH is 8 to 8.4 ppm
Diseased goldfish
If KH is healthy, and your aquarium is uncovered, it’s possible the water movement is poor. Goldfish waste produces a harmless gas, carbon dioxide. Co2 takes up space in the water, keeping oxygen from entering. Only a real pond has the capability to eliminate these harmless gases
Comfort zone for KH is 120 to 140 ppm
Goldfish unhappy
New goldfish keepers, even experienced ones may not be aware of the nitrogen cycle. The fish may be exposed to ammonia, nitrites or nitrates.
Read and follow to keep their environment safe
Read and follow the 10 Steps Goldfish Koi Keeping
Often overlooked, general hardness (GH) is all important to the health of your fish. A combination of
magnesium (two parts) and (one part) calcium, long term health is impossible without healthy levels
Goldfish listless
TEST GH in tap
Comfort zone for GH is 200 to 400 ppm
If GH is low in tap, buffering will get to be second nature, and in time, you’ll know just how much and when to treat
If GH is low, raise by dissolving one tablespoon (per 10 gallons of tank or pond water) of Epsom salt in warm water and then
premixing one tablespoon in freshwater; wait for one hour and then test. If still low, pull a gallon of fish water and
more Epsom salt according to test result

If your GH is in the comfort zone, your fish could be infected with bad bacteria
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Author: Brenda Rand