Toxic Tap Water

Toxic tap water isn’t as uncommon as you might think

Toxin tap water can be found in large cities, small towns and country homes. Most of us live in regions that have safe drinking water right from the tap. Our cities go to great lengths and expense to make sure of it. Engineers monitor, filter and treat the water accordingly. They filter the water to remove significant amounts of metals and dangerous minerals or impurities, such as arsenic and phosphates; found in natural bodies of water in most regions

Tap water with nitrates

The fish in the photo below was poisoned by high amounts of copper in tap water, and has experienced kidney failure. Their organs are not designed to filter chemicals or high amounts of metal, but neither are ours

These engineers test the water for bad bacteria and treat with disinfectants, such as chlorine and ammonia. If you’re lucky enough to live in one of these cities, you enjoy the comfort in knowing your family and your pets are drinking healthy water……….or are they? Even though your city provides healthy tap water, the water you are filling your pitcher with may be toxic

Tap water with bad bacteria

We treat our tap water to eliminate chlorine and chloramines in our aquariums and ponds, yet drink this same water ourselves. The experts say these chemicals are safe to drink in trace amounts, but why take the risk? These same chemicals that destroy beneficial bacteria in our fish houses, destroy the friendly bugs in our intestinal tract, and who knows the other health risks they present

Find out if your city uses chlorine or chloramines in your drinking water. Chlorine can easily be destroyed by adding a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to a pitcher of water. Chlorine is a gas that is easily eliminated when it comes in contact with oxygen, but chloramines is ammonia combined with chlorine, and ammonia is not easily eliminated from drinking water

Old hot water tanks are notorious for contributing to the metal and rust content of water

Higher quality older homes with old copper pipes used for plumbing are at a high risk for high contents of copper in the water due to corrosion. Lower quality old homes with metal piping could contain high levels of rust and bad bacteria. Rusty water is more common, but more easily noticed

Toxic tap water

In regions where carbonate and magnesium minerals are high, it’s common for home owners and or builders to install a filtering system to old and new homes alike. These minerals build up in the pipes and our hot water tanks over the years, damaging parts and causing low water flow. While minerals are healthy for our fish and family, not so good for our plumbing

Are you drinking toxic tap water?

Most residential filtering systems do just that, filter the water, but some filters take it a step water, and require additives such as chemicals that soften the water. Soft water is water low in mineral value. They say these additives are safe for humans to drink in low amounts, but even trace levels of these chemicals can destroy the beneficial bacteria in your fish house, and even kill your fish over time, causing organ failure

Nitrates are commonly found in rural setting. Well water is notoriously high in nitrates, which are dangerous for fish and other animals as well

toxic tap water

Looks are deceiving. The freshwater in the bucket looks sparkling clear, however, metals and impurities are invisible to the naked eye

Do you want your family drinking even trace amounts of chemicals and poisons?

If you’ve just recently moved into a new or old home, or even if you’ve lived in your home for many years, it would be wise to have your tap water tested for metals and impurities that could injure or poison your family and pets

Don’t take your tap water for granted

Bad Bacteria in Water

10 Steps to Goldfish & Koi Keeping

All rights
Author: Brenda Rand


By Venus

Master goldfish keeper