Oxygenating Water

Oxygenating Water takes more than a bubble wand


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Oxygenating water will take much more than a bubble wand. By method of diffusion, moving water pulls oxygen from the air above its surface, oxygenating it, although, the water must be free. On the list of these items that take up space, keeping oxygen from entering is Co2; first and foremost. Carbon dioxide (along with other types of gases in trace amounts) are created from waste which goldfish produce in large quantities. Waste sits on the bottom, and this is where you’ll find Co2 in abundance. This is why we see goldfish in slow moving water, swimming closer to the surface than the bottom. By nature, goldfish are bottom dwellers

Goldfish and beneficial bacteria alike thrive in heavily oxygenated water, unlike bad bugs. They can’t tolerate oxygen

Running a close second are clouds; bad bacteria clouds (bacteria blooms) form when conditions are unhealthy, and then we have super saturated gases; created by the pressure in tap water. Last but not lease we have algae blooms; green water algae. These are the things that push oxygen out of water

Goldfish care

Green water algae is free floating, taking up valuable space in the water, however, you will not see this type of algae in water that is moving. Water action forces algae on to substrate, clearing the body of water. A bacteria bloom also takes up space in water, although it’s most commonly seen in water that has little or no movement

  • How to oxygenate water

Aquariums are more at risk for decreased oxygen levels than ponds because the surface is small compared to the body of water, and often covered

Oxygenating water is more complicated than adding an air pump, or bubblers as we like to call them. It is a myth that bubblers or bubble wands have the capability to oxygenate water. This piece of equipment releases air bubbles into the water that shoot to the surface and pop, releasing the oxygen back into the air. Imagine the surface of your tank as a wall; a bubble wand or even two is like knocking a small hole in the wall. The entire wall must come down in order for fish to breathe

Carbonate mineral, or KH is vital to oxygenating water, as this mineral gives water the ability to support oxygen. Without it, life cannot exist. Every natural body of water that supports life has sufficient levels of carbonate mineral. The comfort zone is 70 to 120 ppm, but the higher side is preferred for goldfish in aquariums

Exposing the surface to fresh air, healthy carbonate mineral levels, and moving water. Together, these three things oxygenate water

Goldfish information

Goldfish absorb oxygen from the water by taking it in through their mouths and pushing it out through their gills. During this process oxygen is absorbed from the water and into the bloodstream as it passes over the rake. This organ does the same job that our lungs do, only in a different way. Goldfish and Koi do not have lungs

The greater the action, the freer the body of water

Only a real pond pump can provide the action necessary for clearing a body of water, whether in a pond or aquarium. Pond pumps pull water from the bottom, and then shoot it to the surface in a jet stream. Gases are expelled as the water hits the air above the surface. Another thankless task our pond pumps do, is break up super saturated gases. Pond pumps also clear the water of clouds

Plants oxygenate water

Plants absorb Co2 from water, allowing oxygen to enter, however, when the lights go out, they release the Co2

The higher your fish in its fish house, the lower the oxygen levels in the water. Goldfish are bottom dwellers by nature, and if you see them spending time closer to the surface than the bottom, the oxygen levels may be low

In order for water to be oxygenated, it must be exposed to fresh air, free of clouds and rich in carbonate mineral

Reduce the risk of goldfish injuring or even killing themselves by jumping to their death. Lower the water table in your aquarium or pond. This gap may also provide a perfect spot in aquariums for carbon dioxide (a heavy gas) to rest, blocking the surface from fresh air. Avoid by keeping fresh air moving in the room the fish are located, be it a window or a fan

Goldfish keeping

Goldfish use less oxygen in colder water temperatures. During warmer summer months make sure your tank or pond water is heavily oxygenated and cool. The key to good goldfish health is cold and heavily oxygenated water

The aquarium in the photo below has experienced a bad bacteria bloom due to low oxygen levels in the water. The water has little movement, and the tank is enclosed; not good

oxygenating water

Cloudy Water

All the surface action in the world will not oxygenate your water if your goldfish tank is enclosed with a solid top or lid. Carbon dioxide will be expelled from the water, and then become trapped between the surface and the lid before being absorbed back into it. Remove any solid cover from your goldfish tank, exposing the surface to fresh air. Leave your tank open or replace with a screen. In other words…………….. flip your lid

Every fish keeper should have Oop Boost on hand for 911 or even daily use. It’s safe, and raises O2 levels without raising KH

Step 7 Pond Pumps

10 Steps to Goldfish Koi Keeping

Algae, the living plant

Super saturated gases

All rights
Author: Brenda Rand


By Venus

Master goldfish keeper