Toxic Tap Water

Toxic tap water isn’t as uncommon as you might think Toxin tap water can be found in large cities, small towns and country homes. Most of us live in regions that have safe drinking water right from the tap. Our cities go to great lengths and expense to make sure of it. Engineers monitor, filter… Continue reading Toxic Tap Water

Using Water Treatment

Using water treatment is a necessary evil for some Using water treatment is a necessary evil for some of us. There’s a wide variety of brands and types of water treatments available these days. Unfortunately for our fish, most of us don’t know how to use them or why we should or shouldn’t. Many fish… Continue reading Using Water Treatment

seeking home beloved goldfish

urgently seeking home beloved goldfish We’re moving on may 25th, and urgently seeking home beloved goldfish; all six of them. If someone would take them, i will donate the 75 gallon tank, lights, marine land tank filter and tons of accessories. It all started with a little one inch comet our son brought home from the fair.… Continue reading seeking home beloved goldfish

Tips Keeping Goldfish Cool

Tips keeping goldfish cool in the summer Being coldblooded and cold water fish, goldfish have little tolerance for warm temperatures. Why do you need to read tips  keeping goldfish cool, because goldfish use more oxygen in warmer water, making it all important to keep up with water changes and maintain a healthy pH balance. Because… Continue reading Tips Keeping Goldfish Cool

Easy Goldfish Cure

Easy goldfish cure for sick fish I’m sorry to tell you there’s no such thing. A lot of people come to our site asking for an easy goldfish cure. When we tell them that the water needs to be tested, buffered and exchanged, they go elsewhere for help. They want a magic potion to pour in the… Continue reading Easy Goldfish Cure

Stress Coat Water Treatment

Stress Coat water treatment is one of the most popular You’ll find Stress Coat water treatment on every shelf that sells fish products, and that’s because it’s the cheapest water treatment available. It converts chlorine and chloramines, while it offers the benefits of aloe Aloe does increase the slime coat, but only by coating the fish’s body… Continue reading Stress Coat Water Treatment

Bottled pH

Bottled pH, does it work, and if so, how Bottled pH is popular with a lot of goldfish and Koi keepers. Most of us test pH levels as a part of their normal routine; it being the most common parameter, however it’s also the most confusing. We know that the levels should be within an established comfort zone,… Continue reading Bottled pH