gfe Categories

Visit our gfe categories Visit our gfe categories Gfe categories contain all of our site’s articles. Goldfish and Koi are often highlighted in the news. You might see a news article that claims the oldest living goldfish or abused goldfish. Write or create your own story as long as it pertains to goldfish or Koi.… Continue reading gfe Categories

Goldfish Floating 45 degree angle

  Buy the Books Goldfish floating 45 degree angle nose down Goldfish floating 45 degree angle indicates a female impacted eggs. Females develop eggs with or without the presence of males, however, they often have trouble releasing the eggs on their own. Males play a very important role. This is why goldfish and Koi should not be kept… Continue reading Goldfish Floating 45 degree angle

Goldfish covered white specks

Goldfish covered white specks on body and tail fins Buy the book Goldfish covered white specks are suffering from parasite infection; ich. You may see your fish darting and flashing around the water in a panic or rubbing against gravel and decorations to relieve the infernal itch. More serious infections can drive a fish to jump from its fish… Continue reading Goldfish covered white specks

Goldfish hole head

Goldfish hole head that started as an abscess Buy the book Goldfish hole head is a serious condition that often leads to death. The condition is caused by bad bacteria infection. In most cases, it’s a sign that the tank or pond water isn’t properly maintained; the water quality poor. The aquarium set ups sold… Continue reading Goldfish hole head

Goldfish Swollen Gills

Goldfish swollen gills and gasping Buy the book Goldfish swollen gills is a serious ailment. Fish breathe by taking water in through their mouth, and then pushing it out through their gills. Oxygen is absorbed from water as it passes over an organ called the rake. Rake, in a manner of speaking is much like our… Continue reading Goldfish Swollen Gills