Goldfish lump on body could be simple to treat Buy the book Goldfish lump is often caused by super saturated gases. These increased amounts of oxygen found in tap water are caused by the pressure needed to make it from point A to Z. If not eliminated, these tiny bubbles can cause a lot of issues… Continue reading Goldfish Lump
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Goldfish bottom sitting
Goldfish bottom sitting and will not eat Buy the book Goldfish bottom sitting is a symptom shared by a few various conditions, such as pressure caused by nitrates or super saturated gases. Another less common symptom, sometimes referred to as a sinking issue, is the absence of waste in the tract Goldfish sinking bottom Fish suffering… Continue reading Goldfish bottom sitting
Dying Goldfish
Dead or dying goldfish Buy the book Dying goldfish or a dying Koi is devastating. The fish may be in water low in oxygen and mineral value or it may be in water that is high in ammonia, nitrite or nitrates. Some goldfish die because their fish house is infected with bad bacteria and so… Continue reading Dying Goldfish
Goldfish bobbing
Goldfish bobbing at surface and floating aimlessly Buy the book Goldfish bobbing at the surface may be suffering from an impacted intestinal tract. Most goldfish keepers feed only once or two times a day, sprinkling dry flakes on the surface. They may feed floating pellets, designed to bring fish to the top of a pond… Continue reading Goldfish bobbing
Goldfish Fins Pulled Tight
Goldfish fins pulled tight to body and has white marks Buy the book Goldfish fins pulled tight to body indicates extreme discomfort. Fins clamp for one or two reasons, KH or ammonia is present and in high amounts. Both have the potential of burning fish causing extreme discomfort Goldfish clamped fins Ammonia is created from waste,… Continue reading Goldfish Fins Pulled Tight
Red veins goldfish tail fin
Red veins goldfish tail fin and red patches on body Buy the book Red veins goldfish tail fin and or veining throughout the body indicate nitrite poisoning. If your tank or pond hasn’t completed the nitrogen cycle your fish may be at risk. Nitrites are the second toxin to form in the cycle with nitrates being the… Continue reading Red veins goldfish tail fin
Goldfish Eye Bleeding
Goldfish eye bleeding after pH crash Buy the book Goldfish eye bleeding is a symptom of pH crash, when oxygen levels drop from water suddenly There are many reasons for low oxygen levels in water, although, carbon dioxide is first on the list. Carbon dioxide or Co2 is a gas created from the waste our fish… Continue reading Goldfish Eye Bleeding
Goldfish turning black
Goldfish turning black in patches on body and fins Buy the book Goldfish turning black within a short time indicates either ammonia or carbonate mineral (KH) poisoning. We say ‘poisoning,’ however, fish are actually burned by ammonia. Whitish marks first appear when the burns are fresh, although, they later turn black as they’re healing Burns… Continue reading Goldfish turning black
Goldfish cotton fungus
Goldfish cotton fungus on mouth and body Buy the book Goldfish cotton fungus comes in all colors and shapes depending on your freshwater source and the source of infection, but the most common fungus looks like cotton. Fungus forms rapidly in water that is low in mineral value and low in oxygen. Just like parasites, this… Continue reading Goldfish cotton fungus
Goldfish yawning
Goldfish yawning and hanging out at surface Buy the book Goldfish yawning or gasping at surface in an effort to breathe, due to the fact there is little or no oxygen in the tank or pond water. Goldfish take in water through their mouths, and push it out their gills. Oxygen is absorbed from the water as… Continue reading Goldfish yawning