Goldfish Symptoms Ailments listed below
Find the goldfish symptoms ailments that match your fish’s behavior and click on the link for more information on diagnosing and treating. Most goldfish keepers cannot determine the reason behind their fish’s symptoms, and most symptoms are easily diagnosed. Follow links found on symptom page to learn more about what causes the issue, and how to treat it
Goldfish symptoms
In most cases, ailments are caused by poor water conditions, or improper maintenance and feeding. It’s rare for goldfish to live long enough in captivity to experience issues caused by old age, however, female fish over eight years old may exhibit female issues. Very young fish are sometimes found to have abnormalities that present serious issues as the fish ages, however, most defects are found at an early age. These fish are normally culled from the school before the fish are sold
Goldfish has white specks on body
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Author: Brenda Rand